Thursday, 19 April 2007

Bookmarked key T&D locations in

As can probably seen from some of my previous posts, I have recently got into using for bookmarking purposes. I'd meant to do this earlier, but yesterday I finally got round to bookmarking key locations (entry on JISC page, main project, web-site, blog, etc) of all the projects in the current round of toolkits and demonstrators. Also, where the project has an RSS feed from the blog (which many of course do nowadays) I wanted to "bookmark" that too, so that I and others could add this to their favourite RSS reader. As I'm using the Yahoo! Firefox add-on I've bookmarked all the feeds to project blogs as Firefox Live bookmarks (the add-on does this via use of the tag firefox:rss). Therefore, if you want to add a blog feed to your reader search my bookmarks with the tag firefox:rss and get the link location from there. As I abhor long compound tags(!) these bookmarks can be found by using the tags t&d+2007 (or jisc+t&d+2007 if you want to be really precise!) or simply follow the link below:

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