Friday, 27 April 2007

Peer Review: Bolton, April 25th 2007.

Colin and I attended the peer review meeting held in Bolton on Wednesday (April 25th 2007). Although most people stayed the previous night, we opted for a nice early (06.35) train up from Oxford!

I had been to Bolton University for a previous meeting and upon leaving the station on foot was pretty sure we were heading in the right direction. However, after about quarter of an hour, I realized we'd gone the wrong way! So we double backed on ourselves and caught a mini-cab instead. As it was we only missed about 5 minutes of the meeting proper.

We were one of the teams in a group of three, with ResourceBrowser and DesignShare. We were reviewed by ResourceBrowser and reviewed DesignShare. A full description of what I found can be found in our wiki here. However, undoubtedly one of the most impressive features of their project is that they already have demonstrable software! Alas, we did not have a great deal for ResourceBrowser to review; we have our project infrastructure in place, but not a great deal of content yet :-(.

I definitely think the whole exercise was useful and worthwhile. I believe (from my experience of working on the TReCX project last year) the most useful aspect is that it forces toolkit developers in particular to examine their own projects from the point of view of how someone else coming to it would. If they do that (and take the reviewers feedback on board) then this should give the outputs of the project a sporting chance of actually being adopted by anybody else.

Thursday, 19 April 2007

Bookmarked key T&D locations in

As can probably seen from some of my previous posts, I have recently got into using for bookmarking purposes. I'd meant to do this earlier, but yesterday I finally got round to bookmarking key locations (entry on JISC page, main project, web-site, blog, etc) of all the projects in the current round of toolkits and demonstrators. Also, where the project has an RSS feed from the blog (which many of course do nowadays) I wanted to "bookmark" that too, so that I and others could add this to their favourite RSS reader. As I'm using the Yahoo! Firefox add-on I've bookmarked all the feeds to project blogs as Firefox Live bookmarks (the add-on does this via use of the tag firefox:rss). Therefore, if you want to add a blog feed to your reader search my bookmarks with the tag firefox:rss and get the link location from there. As I abhor long compound tags(!) these bookmarks can be found by using the tags t&d+2007 (or jisc+t&d+2007 if you want to be really precise!) or simply follow the link below: